Tuesday, February 2, 2010


Manasi is one of the youngest classical dance performers. She had her training in Bharatanatyam from her gurus and parents Shri Sharad Pandya & Smt. Niru Pandya at “Purva” School of Bharatanatyam, Baroda, an institute founded by them.She had her further training in Bharatanatyam from Guru Smt. Jaya Chandrashekhar, Chennai & in Odissi from Padmashree Guru Shri Gangadhar Pradhan, Orissa. She has been honored on International Women’s Day by the Govt. of Gujarat in 2006.Manasi’s performance has also been recorded by the Discovery Channel under the programme of the ‘Fantastic festivals of the world’. She holds a Masters in English literature, Diploma in French, Alankar in Bharatanatyam, Kovida in Odissi and Certificates in Russian & Spanish language. At present Manasi is pursuing her M.F.A in Odissi dance from Rabindra Bharati University, Kolkata. She had won the National scholarship for dance from the ministry of culture – India.

She has performed in various festivals in India such as Sangeet Natak Akademi’s Nritya Pratibha – Aurangabad, National Odissi Festival- Kolkata, Vibrant Gujarat Festival, Gujarat, Swami Haridas Mahotsav – Vrindavan, Konark Dance & Music Festival – Konark, Nalanda Nrityotsav – Mumbai, Purva Int. Dance fest – Baroda etc.

She has performed at Indira Gandhi Centre for Indian culture Mauritius, Alhamra Cultural Centre Pakistan, Aiesec France & Hispanic-Japonais centre, Spain. Her recent productions include – Mahishasura Mardini Stotram, Prakruti Varnan, Tribhangi & Kala Sangam. Her recent paper presentations include – Relation between Indian classical dance & Yoga.

Manasi is also a freelance journalist as she is keen on writing about dance festivals, artists, youth & Indian culture. She has assisted Guru Gangadhar Pradhan & Guru Sharad Pandya in various workshops & demonstrations. She has been the youngest Indian classical dance artist to be invited thrice to perform in Pakistan. She has trained students from Brazil, Russia, U.S.A., Pakistan, Mauritius, Austria, China & Switzerland. Manasi had been invited to give lectures & presentations at Salamanca UniversitySpain. She has been elected in the board of Directors for the “World Community of Culture & Traditional Disciplines” – Italy.

She have been performing since last 11 years continuously in India as well as abroad including recent performances & lectures at:

· Pakistan

· France

· Spain and

· Mauritius.

Recently she had been invited to participate at the following festivals –

· Indradhanush festival – New Delhi – January 2010 - Forthcoming.

· National Odissi Festival – Bhubaneswar Dec 09

Balasore, Bhadrak festival - Orissa.

· Bhadhrak Balasore Festival – Orissa Dec 09

· Kala Sangam – Bangalore – Sept 2009, Vadodara – Dec 2009

· Sangeet Natak Akadmi's Nritya Pratibha - Aurangabad - Oct 2008,

· Swami Haridas Mahotsav - Vrindavan - Sept 08,

· National Odissi Festival - Kolkata - Nov 08,

· Int. Arts Festival - Pakistan - Nov end 08,

· Purva Silver Jubliee - Baroda, Dec - 08,

· Nrityalaya - Surat, Jan 09

· Keshava Dance Festival – Bangalore, March 09

· World environment day – Baroda, June 09

· Swami Haridas Mahotsav – Vrindavan – August – 2009

· DurgaPooja Utsav – Baroda – October - 2009

You can know more about me at

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