Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Report on Samsmaranam

Report on: ‘Samsmaranam”
April 7th 2011 and 7 yrs have already passed since the sun set in the world of Odissi dance as the legend and & Odissi maestro Padmavibhushana Guru Kelucharan Mohapatra had passed away.
Responsible for the revival, preservation and promotion of “Odissi” one of the most graceful dances of India, Late Guru Kelucharan Mohapatra had made incomparable efforts and had lit the lamp of this dance form around the globe for its lovers and enthusiasts.
Known for the perfection and excellence in abhinaya & intricate choreographies of pure dance pieces, Guruji has left behind immense wealth for everyone associated with Odissi today….
Across the globe, this down to earth man has plenty of fans, followers and students, who with their interest and passion in Odissi have kept this wonderful man alive forever in their hearts. Indeed the tradition of Odissi has made Guruji immortal.
In Bangalore a tribute was paid to Guruji by popular Odissi danseuse and teacher Sharmila Mukherjee – a senior student of Guruji & Director of Bangalore based institute – Shanjali Centre of Odissi dance.
For the said program in joining hands to pay tribute to Guruji, Sharmila Mukherjee had invited Guruji’s son and student Shri Ratikant Mohapatra – Exponent of Odissi, Director of “Srjan”.

At A.D.A Rangamandira auditorium, near the entrance, a beautiful picture was placed of Late Guru Kelucharan Mohapatra, decorated in a sober manner with flowers and lamp and the display board saw information about the artists of the evening as well as about the host institution.
The stage was accurately set with 6 ascending bells and one lamp in the centre, hanging down from the ceiling. The left side of the stage saw a beautiful 4.5 feet (approx) height picture of Guruji decorated with flowers along with a lamp stand by the side and a hanging bell – making a temple like atmosphere.
After the welcome speech by the students of Sharmila Mukherjee, the chief guest of the evening Smt. Padmini Ravi – Bangalore based Bharatanatyam exponent offered flowers to Guruji and lit the inaugural lamp along with Ratikant Mohapatra & Sharmila Mukherjee.
Other well known artists and exponents such as Smt. Bhanumati, Smt. Lalitha Srinivasan & Smt. Chitra Dasarathy were also present on the occasion.

The program began with Sharmila Mukherjee’s solo invocatory piece “Shiva Stuti” set in the Mangalacharan format. The dancer draped in a nice yellow costume embarked upon the stage with an accurately smiling face with beautiful music set to Raag Madhuvanti and Ardhajumpha tala, a piece originally choreographed by Late Smt. Sanjukta Panigrahi.
Sharmila Mukherjee’s solo with neat balances, perfect tribhangs and good chaukas assured of her talent & practice as well as experience in the field.
The 2nd presentation included a trio dance – “Pallavi” from the traditional repertoire of Odissi. Set in Saveri Raag & Eak taali, the piece was presented by the students of “Shanjali “.  Originally choreographed by Guruj, and crafted for the evening by Sharmila Mukherjee, the 3 dancers were draped in red & black colored combination costumes. It was nicely presented & was a correct choice as the 2nd item of the evening.

Next was a solo by Ratikant Mohapatra which was a Tulsidas ‘Bhajan’on Lord Rama- The popular “Sri Ramachandra Kripalu Bhajama”. It was a nritya piece set to Raga Malika and Jati & Adi tala. The music was composed by Pradeep Ku. Das and choreographed by Ratikant Mohapatra.
It was nice to see multiple characters portrayed aptly by Ratikant Mohapatra – which spoke of his good hold on abhinaya & body language in dance required as per the various characters’ needs.   Two episodes – One of “Sita swayamvara” and the other of “Rama-Ravana” fight were accurately projected in the said solo. Ratikant Mohapatra through this piece justified his talent in choreography as well as presentation. At the end of his solo, he offered a shastang pranam to his Guruji and father.

Next was a very strong presentation by Rajashree Praharaj – A Pallavi set to Bhupeshwari Raga & Adi tala on the music composed by Pradeep Das and choreographed by Ratikant Mohapatra. Draped in a neat white with red costume, this fit & energetic danseuse presented this well practiced piece showcasing her immense capacity & knowledge in Odissi.

Next was a Shiva Pachashwara Strotam, a duet presented by two young students of the host school. Great qualities of Lord Shiva were depicted. It was set to Rupaka tala and Behrag raga. This piece was very well choreographed for a duet and the two dancers justified Sharmila Mukherjee’s good training capabilities. At the climax of the said item, beautifully coordinated poses & postures were depicted which the flexible dancers neatly dancing.

The final presentation of the program was a duet of Ratikant Mohapatra & Rajashree Praharaj titled “Jatyu Mokshya” taken from the “Ramacharita Manasa” It was in Raga malika & Tala Malika with music by Shri Lakshmikant & choreography by Ratikant Mohapatra. The interesting entry on the stage by the dancers showcased Ravana bringing Sita – which was very well coordinated and promised depth in the item in the beginning itself. The best part in the item was to see Ratikant Mohapatra portraying the struggle of the injured “Jatayu” in an excellent manner. Both dancers presented multiple characters & made the item appeal strongly to the audience.

The program ended by a vote of thanks presented by Sharmila Mukheree & an apt short speech by Ratikant Mohapatra. The program correctly titled as “Samsmaranam” paid tribute to the legend Padmavibhushana Late Guru Keluchran Mohapatra in a memorable way & the program did give way for the Bangalore Odissi lovers to observe these beautiful presentations.

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